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Puddlejumper Floats have been manufactured since the early 80’s. At that time they were made in the Vancouver area. In those early days of ultralights, planes were small and often single seat. The company manufactured 10, 12 and 14’ amphibious and straight floats. The nose gear was a folding castering one. In 1991 the company was sold and moved to Montreal where it has been operating ever since. The new company initially manufactured only 14’ floats.


Its first big project was the design of the new telescopic retracting steerable nose gear which made the ground operation on amphibious floats identical to the land aircraft configuration. In the mid 90’s with the appearance of always bigger planes we developed the larger 15’ floats and then with the introduction of the LSA aircrafts developed the larger 15’XD floats. In the mid 90’s a mechanical drum brake kit was developed.  It was replaced in 2008 by a hydraulic brake kit which is lighter and performs much better. The company constantly improves the product and develops new bolt on kits. In the beginning it supplied only one or two models of aircrafts.


As of today Puddlejumper Floats can install floats, as a bolt on kit, on more than 40 different models of aircrafts and gyrocopters. In 2016 Puddlejumper Floats acquired the rights and manufacturing of the famous Turbulence skis. 


91 Courcelette, Outremont

H2V 3A5  QC, Canada

(514) 824-4188

© 2019 Puddle Jumper floats inc.

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